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Image by ak42
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
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Answer by ms.sexyhorniebabe
Answer by Lori L O^O
Some do. Some don't. Every one is made differently. Yours might have stretched or it might have been really thin. No one is the same. Some bleed a lot. I fell off a balance beam and bled some but not a lot.
Answer by smoothazhoney
LOL let the cat scratch him up a few good times. I had a large breen dog with the same problem and my cat managed to solve the problem before I could.
Answer by Musik_Faerie
ah puberty a lot of guys have to go through this, you just have to learn to control yourself and respect her as you do :)
Answer by NY SPORTS FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you kidding me? You are perfect. Men want big curves and skinniness. But butts are fine too. You are perfect!